Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Western Hemisphere Riddle

Hello Students:

Today, in our continuing pursuit of the focus question: How is the geography of the Western Hemisphere unique?  You will be using the National Geographic web site to answer a riddle.

Click on this link: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kids/places  

Find the answer to the following riddle:

I am in a place where people speak Spanish and English. There are no subways, but there is a monorail. Alligators live here. Farmers grow oranges here. One famous building here looks like a giant golf ball. The landscape is flat and swampy. There are trees in the Everglades. This place is a peninsula, surrounded by water on three sides, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. WHERE AM I?

Make a T Chart in your notebooks to describe the physical and human features of the riddle.

Human                                                                        Physical
Speak Spanish and English                        Flat and swampy landscape
No subways, but monorails                       Everglades
Golf ball building                                       Peninsula
Farmers grow oranges                               Surrounded by Atlantic Ocean and Gulf


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