Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Slave Trade in the American Colonies

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Hello Students:

We have begun a social studies unit on The United States.  We have looked at events leading up to the Revolutionary War, a war fought for the independence of the colonists.     Today, we will look at a group of people who did not come to this country voluntarily and who had to fight many other battles on the road to their independence.  We will make an inquiry into the Slave Trade in the American Colonies and later the United States.

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Click <a href="">here</a> to read a short article about slavery.  When you have finished, answer the following questions in your social studies notebook:

1)            European colonists were not the only people who made up the population of the American colonies.  ___________ who had been captured, brought to America, and enslaved,  also lived in the New England colonies.

2)            Fewer than ________ slaves lived in the colonies of New England in the year 1700.  By the end of the 18th century, the population of enslaved Africans had reportedly reached _________.

3)            When the America declared its independence in 1776, ___________ had the second largest slave population in America.

4)  Define the following terms:

             a. slaves

             b. 18th Century

             c.  population

             d. colonists

             e.  cultures

             f.  enslaved

             g. customs

             h. colonized

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